MEXICO - Martinez

MEXICO - Martinez

Regular price £7.40

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The Flavour Profile

Discover the rich and unique flavours of Mexixo Martinez, a medium roasted coffee with sweet jammy notes, juicy berries, and tropical hints. This unforgettable blend is perfect for all types of extraction methods.

 The Little Details

This coffee comes from Finca Martinez in Coatepec Town, Veracruz region in mexico. Its grown 1200 meters above sea level. It's 100% Marsellesa and its fully washed process .

About the Process

During the harvest, after the carefull handpicking of cherries, they are submerged in a tank of water to sort for quality and remove the floating cherries. Once sorted, the cherries are then de-pulped, removing the external pulp from the coffee seed. As soon as the coffee is clean, they undergo a dry fermentation for 8 - 10 hours in a regulated temperature of 10 to 24•C. A centriflux is then used to remove the remaining mucilage and surface water from the seed. The coffee is then dried mechanically in drums for 28 - 36 hours, which is quiet fast thanks to the use of the centriflux in the previous stage. As soon as the ideal moisture content is reached, 10 - 10.5% the coffee is bagged and sent to rest before export.





All coffee on the farm is selectively hand harvested and sorted, again, when it is delivered to the farms mill. The coffee is pulped using a Pinhalense ecopulper, purchased in 2009, which separates ripe and underripe/underweight cherries again, along with removing any debris remaining with the cherries. This pulper uses one cubic meter of water to process up to 20 tonnes! This is a huge water savings and contributes greatly towards limiting the farm’s environmental footprint. After pulping, coffee is sorted by density  and delivered to separate tanks to ferment between 36 to 40 hours, depending on the weather at the time. The coffee’s ‘readiness’ to be washed is done using the traditional method of ‘prueba de palo’ (stick test), where the coffee is stirred with a long pole to see if it is the right consistency to be washed. The farm has experimented with temperature gauges, but the workers find that these traditional methods are equally as accurate in determining fermentation levels. 

After fermentation, the coffee is delivered to a demucilager to remove any last traces of mucilage, again helping the farm save water and limit waste.

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